"You know, they straightened out the Mississippi river in places, to make room for houses and livable acreage. Occasionally the river floods these places. "Floods" is the word they use, but in fact it is not flooding; it is the remembering. Remembering where it used to be."
-Toni Morrison "The Site of Memory"

I cannot recommend this book enough! I devoured it, and have been holding its teachings closely, sprinkling its wisdom into many of my conversations. Thank you, Clint Smith, for sharing parts of your multilayered pilgrimage with your readers, and for diving deeply into the power of remembering.

Earlier this month, we went to New York for Jonathan's cousins wedding. Just about all of the Murch cousins, uncles, and aunts attended. We were all invited to stay under one roof for the weekend, so of course each family said 'yes'. The house was FULL and it was fantastic! The newlyweds are in the top left corner. One is wearing a baseball cap and the other holding up a peace sign or maybe bunny ears.
Footage taken after the ceremony, as the dance party and wedding festivities were "winding down".

While in New York, we (Jonathan and I, his parents, and two of his aunts) hiked the Gorge at Watkins Glen. The hike is approximately 4 miles out and back. It's beautiful and worth it, but I would recommend starting your ascent early - this is an extremely popular spot!

After arriving back from New York, we were reminded that our city is hosting a free Wednesday night concert, every Wednesday through the end of September, titled "Levitt AMP H'Burg 2023". The opener for the series was Flor De Toloache. Jonathan and I packed ourselves a picnic supper and made an evening of it.

Lately, we have been biking into town to collect groceries. These rides have been my favorite part of the week.

We canned a bushel of peaches and a half gallon of blackberries.

Jonathan has added to our list of projects. However, something cool he managed to finish, while thinking through this table top, was a set of saw horses.

Thanks to the Chicken Chica, also known as Jonathan's youngest sister, we got ourselves a few laying hens . Jonathan has named them smoked, braised, pickled, and fried!